How can I increase my earnings as an affiliate?

Besides PPC there are several other ways to earn more revenue with SMS Alert Affiliate Program: Provide a short Getting Started guide for your potential customers. This guide may include instructions on setting up a SMS Alert account and buying credit. This strategy has dramatically increased conversion rates for many of our affiliates. Create custom banners that will appeal to your audience. Add multiple SMS Alert buttons throughout your site or app. Write comparative reviews highlighting why SMS Alert is your choice for SMS software.
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Can I promote your affiliate program through PPC (pay-per-click)?

Of course! PPC is a very popular means of promotion. Please keep in mind, however, that we do not allow our affiliates to bid on branded terms. These include: sms alert,,, smsalert messenger, smsalert login, www.smsalert, and any other obvious variations. If you are found to have contravened this rule, you will immediately be banned from our affiliate program.
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Does a purchase have to happen immediately?

No! Our systems uses API tracking and cookies to track referrals. Whenever a visitor registers using your affiliate link, that user is marked as referred by you and when they buy you earn 10%, even if the purchase happens later.
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What do I need to do to become an affiliate?

Not much – you just need to join SMS Alert affiliate program and then include your affiliate link in your posts, emails, or website banners. If someone registers using your link you will earn 10% of the total value of that user’s transactions.
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How much money can I make with the SMS Alert affiliate program?

How much you make depends on the amount of orders – but there’s no limit. Most SMS Alert customers stay with us for years – so you have the potential to earn constant long-term income. For example, if a customer spends(excluding taxes) Rs5,000 on SMS credit while they are a SMS Alert customer, you’ll earn 10% of this: Rs500. Remember the comission is calculated only for first purchase of the user, however, subsequent purchases may reflect in your account, which will be manually audited and adjusted before making the payouts.
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